South Asian Network develops new curriculum to promote work with boys and men to challenge violence against women

The South Asian Network to Address Masculinities (SANAM) has developed a curriculum for practitioners in South Asia to foster commitment to work with boys and men to challenge gender-based inequalities and violence. The curriculum promotes a reflective mode of thinking that enables boys and men to challenge their own attitudes and behaviour patterns at an individual level – and then to apply their skills and passion to help inspire changes within communities and organizations. SANAM consists of academics, practitioners, trainers and activists from around South Asia with diverse experience and expertise on masculinities and gender. SANAM has developed innovative strategies for deepening knowledge and inspiring change including an 18 day emersion in the curriculum and a mentorship plan to match experienced members with young practitioners who will be engaged throughout 2011 in implementing new activities in their local environment. The curriculum includes a focus on knowledge and skills, with eight learning modules on themes including globalization, development and masculinities; customs, religion and masculinities; media and masculinities; institutions and masculinities; patriarchy, masculinities and sexuality; self and gender; and conflict and violence. The curriculum training will be run in two different phases. The first 18 day training is scheduled for February 2011 in Nepal, with a refresher course later in the year. SANAM is supported by Partners for Prevention, which aims to foster consortiums of NGOs to take ownership over sustained capacity development initiatives in their own contexts.

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